The History of Physiognomy

A Leverhulme Trust International Network

Queen Mary University of London (London), Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris), and Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa)





About the Network

About Physiognomy









Secondary Sources


Primary Sources


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AGRIMI, Jole, Ingeniosa scientia nature. Studi sulla fisiognomica medievale (Tavarnuzze, Firenze, 2002). See review.
ALBONICO, Rolf, Mensch, Menschen, Typen. Entwicklung und Stand der Typenforschung (Basel, 1970).
ALLENTUCK, Marcia, 'Fuseli and Lavater: Physiognomical theory and the Enlightenment', SVEC, 55 (1967), pp. 89-112.
AMBERGER-LAHRMANN, Mechthild, Anatomie und Physiognomie in der hellenistischen Plastik. Dargestellt am Pergamonaltar (Stuttgart, 1996). See review 1 and review 2.
ANDRES, Katharina, Antike Physiognomie in Renaissanceporträts (Frankfurt am Main, 1999).


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BATES, Brian, The Human Face (London, 2001). See review.
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EKMAN, Paul, FRIESEN, Wallace V. and ELLSWORTH, Phoebe, Emotions in the human face (New York, 1972).
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GETREVI, Paolo, Le Scritture de volto: Fisiognomica e modelli culturali dal Medioevo ad oggi (Milano, 1991).
GILMAN, Sander L., ‘Lavater, Lichtenberg and the Physiognomy of the Black’, in idem, Blackness without Blacks: Essays on the Image of the Black in Germany) (Boston, Mass., 1982).
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GRAHAM, John, Stendahl and Physiognomy. Science into art (Charlottesville, Va., 1990).
GRAY, Richard T., About Face. German physiognomic thought from Lavater to Auschwitz (Detroit, [Mich.], 2004). Review.
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HARTLEY, Lucy, Physiognomy and the Meaning of Expression in Nineteenth-Century Culture (Cambridge, 2001). See review 1 and review 2.
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MATT, Peter von, Fertig ist das Angesicht. Zur Literaturgeschichte des menschlichen Gesichts (München, 1983).
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MCNEILL, Daniel, The Face. A natural history (London, 1999).
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PERCIVAL, Melissa, The Appearance of Character. Physiognomy and Facial Expression in Eighteenth-Century France (Leeds, 1999). See review.
PERCIVAL, Melissa, ‘J. C. Lavater. Physiognomy and connoisseurship’, British Journal of Eighteenth-Century Studies (2003).
PERCIVAL, Melissa and TYTLER, Graeme (eds), Physiognomy in Profile. Lavater's impact on European culture (Newark, Del., 2005). See review.
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